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Английский словарь американских идиом - might


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  ~1 modal verb negative short form mightn't 1 if something might happen or might be true, there is a possibility that it may happen or be true but you are not certain  (Who knows - England might win the next World Cup! | "Are you going to write her a letter?" "I might, I might not." | You might not have noticed but I've put up a 'no smoking' sign in here. | Did you see the way he was driving? I might have been killed.) 2 the past tense of may  (Thinking it might rain, I decided to go in the car. | She asked if she might open a window.) 3 used to give advice or make a suggestion  (If the police can't help, you might try the Citizens Advice Bureau. | I thought we might spend the lesson studying irregular verbs.) 4 a) spoken old-fashioned used to ask politely if you can do something  (Might I come in?) b) might I say/ask/add etc spoken used to politely give more information, ask a question, interrupt etc  (Might I just add that Miriam has been a pleasure to work with and we wish her every success in the future.) 5 used when you are angry or surprised when someone has not done something that you think they should do  (You might have cleaned up before you left! | Don't you think he might at least say thank you?) 6 I might have known/guessed etc spoken used to say that you are not surprised at a situation  (Jake Thompson! I might have known you'd be behind all this!) 7 might well if something might well happen or might well be true you think it is fairly likely to happen or be true  (You might well find that you'll need more by the weekend.) 8 might (just) as well usually spoken used to suggest doing something that you do not really want to do, because you have no better ideas  (It's no good waiting for the bus. We might as well walk.) 9 might...but... used to tell someone that although what they said is true, something else which seemed very different is also a fact  (You might be a strong swimmer but that doesn't mean you can win a triathlon.) 10 formal used to say why something happens or the reason why someone does something...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  I. [c red]MODAL USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Might' is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. Please look at category 13 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. You use might to indicate that something will possibly happen or be true in the future, but you cannot be certain. Smoking might be banned totally in most buildings... I might well regret it later... He said he might not be back until tonight. = may MODAL c darkgreen]vagueness 2. You use might to indicate that there is a possibility that something is true, but you cannot be certain. She and Simon’s father had not given up hope that he might be alive... You might be right... = may MODAL c darkgreen]vagueness 3. You use might to indicate that something could happen or be true in particular circumstances. America might sell more cars to the islands if they were made with the steering wheel on the right. ...the type of person who might appear in a fashion magazine. = could MODAL c darkgreen]vagueness 4. You use might have with a past participle to indicate that it is possible that something happened or was true, or when giving a possible explanation for something. I heard what might have been an explosion... She thought the shooting might have been an accident... = could have MODAL 5. You use might have with a past participle to indicate that something was a possibility in the past, although it did not actually happen. Had the bomb dropped over a populated area of the city, there might have been a great deal of damage... MODAL 6. You use might in statements where you are accepting the truth of a situation, but contrasting it with something that is more important. They might not have two cents to rub together, but at least they have a kind of lifestyle that is different. = may MODAL 7. You use might when you are saying emphatically that someone ought to do the thing mentioned, especially when you are...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verbal auxiliary, past of may  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English meahte, mihte; akin to Old High German mahta, mohta could  Date: before 12th century — used in auxiliary function to express permission, liberty, probability, possibility in the past the president ~ do nothing without the board's consent or a present condition contrary to fact if you were older you ~ understand or less probability or possibility than may ~ get there before it rains or as a polite alternative to may ~ I ask who is calling or to ought or should you ~ at least apologize  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English miht; akin to Old High German maht ~, magan to be able — more at may  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the power, authority, or resources wielded (as by an individual or group)  b.  (1) bodily strength  (2) the power, energy, or intensity of which one is capable striving with ~ and main  2. dialect a great deal  Synonyms: see power ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. past of MAY, used esp.: 1 in reported speech, expressing possibility (said he might come) or permission (asked if I might leave) (cf. MAY 1, 2). 2 (foll. by perfect infin.) expressing a possibility based on a condition not fulfilled (if you'd looked you might have found it; but for the radio we might not have known). 3 (foll. by present infin. or perfect infin.) expressing complaint that an obligation or expectation is not or has not been fulfilled (he might offer to help; they might have asked; you might have known they wouldn't come). 4 expressing a request (you might call in at the butcher's). 5 colloq. a = MAY 1 (it might be true). b (in tentative questions) = MAY 2 (might I have the pleasure of this dance?). c = MAY 4 (who might you be?). Phrases and idioms might as well expressing that it is probably at least as desirable to do a thing as not to do it (finished the work and decided they might as well go to lunch; won't win but might as well try). might-have-been colloq. 1 a past possibility that no longer applies. 2 a person who could have been more eminent. 2. n. 1 great bodily or mental strength. 2 power to enforce one's will (usu. in contrast with right). Phrases and idioms with all one's might to the utmost of one's power. with might and main see MAIN(1). Etymology: OE miht, mieht f. Gmc, rel. to MAY(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  мочь, мощь ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. могущество; мощь the whole might of our country —- вся мощь нашей страны 2. энергия, сила to work with all one's might —- работать изо всех сил to cry with all one's might —- кричать во весь голос (во всю глотку) Id: with might and main —- изо всей силы, изо всей мочи Id: might is right —- посл. право на стороне сильного; кто силен, тот и прав 3. p. от may 4. (с простым инфинитивом относится к настоящему и будущему времени, с перфектным инфинитивом - к прошедшему) выражает предположение, сомнение, неуверенность it might be true —- может быть, это и правда (но вряд ли) he might have lost his way —- могло быть и так, что он заблудился he might not have heard the news —- может быть (могло быть и так, что) он и не слышал эту новость 5. выражает: 6. просьбу в вежливой форме (в вопросит. предложениях): might I make a suggestion? —- позвольте мне внести предложение? might I leave this book with you? —- может быть, вы разрешите мне (не позволите ли вы) оставить эту книгу у вас? 7. редк. пожелание (в восклицат. предложениях): oh, that we might end all wars! —- О, если бы только мы могли навсегда покончить с войнами! 8. желательность действия или побуждение к действию: you might post this letter for me —- хорошо бы вы опустили мое письмо you might come and see me now and then —- зашли бы ко мне как-нибудь 9. упрек (с...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) могущество; мощь  2) энергия; сила; with might and main - изо всех сил ...
Англо-русский словарь


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